You never really know...until you actually try

Many things in life are simply way more difficult to explain than to experience. You just can't communicate what it feels; you need to actually do it. Try to explain how ice cream tastes. Try to explain what music is without hearing it. Or, how about trying to explain what it feels like to be laid off and trying to find a job in one of the most difficult economic times since the great depression. As with all of these things, you may *think* you know what they feel like, but before you jump to that conclusion, check your ego at the door, and let's stipulate that you...just...can't.

Many recent events have made me think about things like this, but none is more telling than when I see my nearly 2-year-old daughter Sara coming toward me, arms outstretched, smiling from ear to ear. She could care less about all those pesky details of life. She is just happy to see Daddy.

I can't tell you how great that feels. But if you are a parent, I don't need to. You already know.

Enjoy the experience. It's what life is all about.



Joel D Canfield said...

Some things in life are black and white: either you know what it's like to be a parent, or you don't; no rational person without children would say "I know what it's like."

Funny how we pretend that, when it comes to business and other fields, that rule doesn't apply any more.

If you've never been there you can't know. But you can learn from someone who does.

Tom said...

Hi Spinhead,

Yep could not agree more. There really is no substitute for experience. But if you have the ability to learn from someone else's mistakes, you'd be a fool not to take advantage! Thanks for the comment!
