Prismatic Fall Writer's Event

Great time today at the annual Fall Writer's Event sponsored by Prismatic. Bill Walker did a great job lining up a fantastic group of presenters and speakers, including folks like Joel Canfield and Jerry Kennedy. Superb way to wade into the tide of becoming an author. Lots of great information on how to self-pubish, the pros and cons, and comparisons to both traditional publishing and on-demand publishing. Jennifer Bourn simply blew me away with her presentation; literally a torrent of useful information on how to build your online brand and marketing platform. I also loved Stephanie Chandler's talk; super inspiration!

Some interesting facts:

1. 95-98% of all traditionally published books lose money! That means the other ones need to make a TON of money to make up for those losses...not very good odds.

2. If you go the traditional route, you will be lucky to make $1 for every book you sell.

3. In either case [traditional or self-publish], YOU will be responsible for ALL the work, including marketing.

4. The only real advantages of traditional publishing are a) credibility, and b) distribution.

5. The famous book One Minute Manager started out as a self-published work.

6. 93% of all books published in America sell less than 500 copies!

...Also, please check out the "I am happy" project. You can find it at www.Iamhappyproject.org.

Very cool stuff. Thanks guys!!!



Joel D Canfield said...

What a great day that was! Drinking from a fire hose. Agreed completely on Jen and Stephanie; smart smart people. Really glad you were able to join us.

Tom said...


YOUR name not withstanding, MY head was spinning from about noon on that day! I learned so much I'm still trying to take it all in! A fantastic event! I just hope some day I have the opportunity to give back a small fraction of what that group gave me last Sat.


Jennifer Bourn said...

Tom - Thank you so much for your mention in this post! (Joel - you too!) Bill's event was jam-packed with great information all day. I had a great time not just speaking, but meeting so many new, interesting people with great stories to tell. If there is ever anything I can do to help you build your personal brand, or market your business online, please let me know!

Tom said...

Thanks, Jennifer! Believe me, after that presentation, you are at the top of my list!