Life on one leg

A while back, I posted a blog about never neglecting your health. Since then, a colleague of mine has died, causing me to think much more than usual about life, death, and all the to-often neglected aspects of daily life. Regarding my colleague, it is amazing to me how much you an grieve for and miss someone you really did not know all that well, and how, once they are gone, how you wish you had tried to know them better.

Personally, I've had several issues this year. Starting with dual sinus infections, ear infections, all culminating in a perforated ear drum. After that, a root canal failure requiring a complicated (and painful) molar extraction. And finally, this weekend, when I wanted to give my wife a much-needed break for Mother's day, I fell and broke my right foot, laying me up for weeks without the ability to drive, walk without crutches, or do much of anything to help out with the kids.

To say the least, it's been a tough 2011 so far.

And so, believe it or not, this is a message of hope. Hope for a better future. Hope for improvement. Hope that, in the midst of controversy, we somehow can rise to the call, and find in ourselves that which was always there, but heretofore hidden without the impetus of challenge. And hope that our high-sounding words can, when they need to be, be transformed into actions that we can be proud of upon subsequent reflection.

And, perhaps most of all, hope that, when things are better, and we can take care of ourselves as well as offer ourselves to the care of others, we appreciate this ability, and gratefully acknowledge this great, awesome, and precious gift we call health.


Find out why

The world of business is changing. There is a growing trend toward more honesty, more generosity, more just plain human behaviour. And I like it.

My mad friend Joel D Canfield would like to lead the charge toward something totally different. Today, he's shifting his focus from his various businesses to a philosophy he thinks will change the world. In his words: "Too many people spend life stuck, going through the motions; believing they know what to do and how to do it, but never really clear on why. Finding 'why' makes 'what' and 'how' become clear. I want to help folks who are stuck being what the world expected to find their why, to find meaning and joy in life, and show the world who they really are."

Visit his brand new website http://FindingWhy.com/ and see what you think. As expected, there's honesty, generosity, just plain human-ness. 10,000 words already written and hundreds of thousands to come. Free downloads. Room for conversation. A little insanity.

Joel's putting out the welcome mat right now.