What will you have to show for it?

Seth Godin is one of my favorite writers. I don't always agree with him, but his perspectives are often stirring and compelling. In his latest post he looks back to an article he wrote a while ago about planning for the future, and with 2010 looming, I thought it would be good to echo his thoughts and add my own.

Howard Behar, former COO of Starbucks and author of It's not about the coffee once said "When you don't know where you are going, every road looks like a good one." He was talking about the need to have goals. If you don't have goals, then how can you be upset if, after a period of time, you have achieved nothing of value? It's a simple concept, but very powerful.

Both Seth and Howard are saying the same thing in different ways. You must have goals, no matter how simple. You must write them down. Date them. Review them periodically. Assess how well you are proceeding toward them. Decide if they need to change. Wash. Rinse. Repeat.

If you do anything different this year, consider this. When you look back on 2010 a year from now, what would you like to say about yourself differently than you can right now? What would make you proud to achieve? How would you like to see yourself and your accomplishments?

Got 'em? Ok. Good. Write them down. Date them.

Those are your goals.

Now go make it happen!

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