Cell Phones are a menace

If you ever are driving and see someone up ahead who is acting like they are drunk in the middle of rush hour, it's probably because they are on a cell phone.

Drunk drivers are no longer the most dangerous folks on the roads these days. People with cell phones adhered to their heads are. Sure, they both have scary similarities. Slow moving, yet prone to rapid, unpredicable accelleration. Weaving, making quick turns into/outof driveways, parking lots, across sidewalks, over lawns. God help you if you are in their way.

Cell phones are like alchohol to some people. There are people out there who cannot "handle" talking, just like there are people who cannot handle drinking. It's the same thing. Give an alcoholic a bottle, and they attach it to their head. Give a talker a cell phone, and they attach it to their head. And, when driving, both can be very dangerous.

If you happen to be one of these poor soles, you have my sympathy. If you happen to be one of them and are on the road, please, for yourself, and especially for the rest of us, get off the damn phone and drive.


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