Those Poor Democrats

I'm an independent. I don't believe any one politcal party has it right, further they probably never will, due to certain 'structural' issues. Thus it is difficult for me to align completely with any one party.

I think we were wrong to go into Iraq. I think we were right to go into Afganistan. I think embryonic stem cell research should be supported by our government. I think the Republican tax cuts should be made permanent.I think you get my drift.

Having said all that, I can't help feeling sorry for the Democrats; they seem to keep sticking their feet into it. John Kerry's recent 'stuck in Iraq' comment is an excellent example.

John Kerry is an incredibly intelligent man. Unfortunately that is not enough (nor is it perhaps the most important thing) to be successful in US politics today. Mr. Kerry can make very compelling arguments, and has recently, on many subjects. And then, with one ill-considered comment, it all gets blown away. By the Republicans. By the media. By everyone.

Kerry's problem is: he 'knows' he's correct, and it is that very knowledge that gets him into trouble. For, especially in US politics, being 'right' is not necessarily the most important thing. How things appear is really the only thing that matters in politics. That's called "optics", and optics is the most important thing when it comes to getting votes. Don't make any provacative statements, don't take a stand, don't alienate your base, or any one else for that matter. And, if you make a mistake, like Kerry did, you'll get ripped to shreds.

This is not about what he said. Let's face it, is anybody really going to stand up and make a case that the average intelligence level of a US soldier is higher than their non-military peers? Come on. The problem is, you can't curry favor with the voting population by saying the people defending you are essentially stupid. That's what Kerry said. And, it may even be factually "correct". But, in the purest political sense, it was dead wrong.

The "smartest" thing he did was apologize. He did it within 48 hrs, which for politicians is light speed, but still was criticized for not doing it soon enough (big surprise there).

Still, it would've been a lot smarter to not have said it at all. If the Dems want to win big, they simply cannot keep making mistakes like that.

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