Global Warming....be very afraid.

Just got back from the MIT Emerging Technologies Conference - Very Cool.

I'll post a blog about the highlights when I get time, but the most SCARY talk was the one about Global Warming. I have to admit I have not followed this much, and basically thought it was all a bunch of hooey, but not now. Now I simply want to run and hide under a rock. A rock at least 100' above sea level, that is.

Here is the Reader's Digest version of the Global Warming argument, for those of you like me with ADHD:

1. Carbon particles take 3000 years to get out of the atmosphere once they get into it.

2. Once you get past 500ppm of carbon in the atmosphere, you reach a "tipping point" beyond which it will take thousands of years to recover no matter what you do.

3. At current rates of carbon production, the world will reach 500ppm in the next 20 years.

4. If we did everything we know how to do regarding conservation, and got the whole world on board, and sacrificed mightily, we still might not make enough of a difference to avert the tipping point, all the while throwing the entire world into economic chaos for the next 20 years.

That's it...we are basically screwed. Have a nice weekend.

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